• Info

  • Your stance

    When you first start to get into boxing there will be several mishaps with your stance. Although its only small changes you can do to have that perfect stance so will have more mobility, power with punches and most imporant mobility.

    Techniques for a strong stance consist of:

    • stand up tall, with back staight
    • place your feet shoulder width apart
    • slightly have your kness bend and hips, while keeping your back straight

    Futhermore, there is still more to learn when it comes to a stance which the participant will learn over time with experience and comfort with their own technique.


    Breathing is a major factor

    It is very impotant to know how to breath when it comes to boxing due to the risk on getting your jaw broken or worse.

    The proper way boxers breathe is inhaling while preapraring for an upcoming punch and exhaling quickly throghut their mouth.

    Although this sounds not very important its a big factor on how it affects the performance of the boxer.

    Type of punches

    Theres multiple types of punches in boxing which are:

    Jab=is a sudden punch

    Cross=straight punch

    Hook= short side power punch

    Uppercut= a shortswing punch going upward